A Cherry on a Sundae – Interview with Stacy Clark

Stacy Clark will hopefully bring home two awards etched with her name on them from this Friday’s Artists in Music award ceremony. If you are a fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians then you already know Stacy’s hit song “I Do” (which was featured during Kris Humphries proposal to Kim). Join us as Stacy shares what life is like off stage in the music business.
EV: Welcome to Entertainment Vine, Stacy. Thank you so much for sharing your music with us today. Congratulations on your Artists in Music nominations for Best Singer/Songwriter and Best Artist of the Year. These have to be extra special for you since your peers and fans vote during the nomination process. When did you find out you were a two time nominee?
SC: I am honored to be part of the Independent Music Awards. I was notified once they posted the nominations online. It is always nice to have your hard work recognized and to be part of something. It makes me feel like I am doing something right.

EV: You began writing and performing at a pretty young age basically learning the ins and outs of the business on your own. Do you feel that has helped you grow into the artist you are today?
SC: I do feel blessed that I started young because I have met the most interesting people. I have been fortunate enough to do lot of traveling which has really opened my eyes to how unique and diverse our world is. Those experiences have been very fulfilling to me. I have always known that I wanted to do music and always had a desire to travel. Like so many others, the struggle for me was how to be a musician while trying to make a living. It was all about the balance. I took a few breaks from music because the politics and business side burned me out. At the end of day, the love I have for music and creating is something I will do until the day I die. There is so much talent out in the world and it breaks my heart when dreams are broken. Life is too short to stop dreaming, it is important to do what you love.
EV: Some of the highest rated television shows are playing your songs. That has to be a surreal experience. Have you had a chance to sit down and really process that yet?
SC: If I really think about it, yes it is crazy. It makes me think of when I first started writing and how far I have come. It has been a long road and certainly not easy. I know that not all hard work or sacrifice pays off and I definitely appreciate what I have. When I think of everything I have been through to get where I am now, I don’t think I could go through it all again. It’s been a roller coaster. I think I was more fearless when I first started, now I have lowered my expectations. This way when something good like my song getting placed happens, well it’s like a cherry on a sundae.
EV: As a songwriter, when you’re writing something new do you visualize a scene that goes with the music or does it come to you more in the form of poetry?
SC: I don’t have one set way to write. Sometimes the idea of a song or thoughts will just rush in. I will jot the lyrics down and boom a song is born. Other times the guitar and music will come first. Once I have my thoughts collected, then I can visualize what I would want the music video or performance to look like.
EV: You are paving the way for young female singer/songwriters. Which musicians have inspired you?
SC: There have been so many along the way as far as female singer/songwriters: Stevie Nicks, The Cranberries, Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, Bjork and Frente have influenced me. I also really enjoy Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Neil Young, Ottis Redding, Tom Petty, Rolling Stones, Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab For Cutie, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Format and the list goes on.

EV: What advice would you give an aspiring musician that you wish someone would have told you when you were younger?
SC: You can do anything you set your mind to.
EV: You offered fans the opportunity to be part of your new album, Patterns, by launching a music campaign. Was this album produced solely from the campaign?
SC: Yes. I am so grateful for the support of my fans. Without their support it would of taken me a lot longer to have released my album.
EV: How has it been different having the creative freedom to record your music exactly how you want it?
SC: I honestly have to say I have always felt in control of my records. I financed and hired a producer for ‘Apples & Oranges’. Although ‘Connect the Dots’ was produced under a label, I was extremely happy with the production. I was in the studio more for that creation of CTD. I became pretty close friends with my producer, Matt Appleton, and worked with him again when creating ‘Patterns’. The biggest difference is that I co-produced a few songs off ‘Patterns‘ which was a great experience for me. As far as production I can hear what I want. However, getting those instruments and sounds is another story. It helps to work with extremely talented engineers and producers. I had a lot of fun writing all three records and am very proud of them.
EV: Last year you had quite an extensive tour where fans from all parts of the globe were able to see your shows including special online performances. Are you able to describe the feeling of breaking the language barrier through the lyrics of your songs?
SC: Yes, I feel music is universal. Last year was an amazing year. I had the chance to perform all over the US and in Singapore. The online shows where something new that where a lot of fun. It is funny to be performing in front of a computer screen, my dogs would start barking. It made for a unique performance alright! Very intimate.
EV: Do you have a favorite performance from this last tour?

SC: I would have to say when my band and I opened for the OC Music Awards at the Grove in Anaheim. We where the first band to play, kicking it off. It was a lot of fun. I love the energy of performing with a band.
EV: How do you pass the time when you’re on the road for an extended period of time between shows?
SC: My iPhone (laughs). Honestly, time is passed driving and jamming out to music. If I do have a day off I try to enjoy the city I am in and see the sights.
EV: After performing in front of tens of thousands of people, do you prefer the big arena shows or the quiet more intimate shows as in coffee houses and radio/TV appearances?
SC: There is nothing like performing in front of a large audience. I love it!
EV: Do you have a dream venue where you have always wanted to perform?
SC: The Greek Theater.
EV: One last question, if you could pick any musician to add a score to your dreams, who would you choose and why?
SC: Ben Gibbard from Death Cab For Cutie. I love his lyrics, voice and he is dreamy!
EV: Thank you for your time, Stacy. We look forward to seeing you on your next tour.
SC: Thank you!
You can find Stacy on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. If you are near Hollywood tickets for the Artists in Music Awards are still available, otherwise it will be streaming live this Friday (2/10/12). Red carpet coverage begins at 7:00PM (PST).
Just in time for Valentine’s Day – Stacy Clark’s video for “Matter of Time”
photo credit: The Boudoir Divas