MusicMusic Reviews

CD review Sh-Sh-Sh- SharkAttack! – self released

Sh…Sh…Sh…SharkAttack! (self released)

Very cool retro New York City surf band with Crampish vocals. Great beats and excellent guitar elevate this band pretty high. The changes are subtle which is fine if the tunes were purely instrument driven but less guitar shows off the not most impressive vocals…in this case,louder guitar is a good thing.

But I’m not trashing this,I actually love surf rock and any band that plays it should be praised for breathing new life in a forgotten genre.


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Review by Michael Sullivan


Michael Sullivan is a somewhat flightly writer who lives in Michigan. He is considered a true fanboy and really digs movie scores. He is married and is the owner of Derek Jeter,a 20 pound cat who thinks he is a panther. Thanks for reading.
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