World’s Smallest: Proving That Retro Toys Are The Future

What goes around comes around and retro is here. Retro appeals to nostalgia, and many of those interested in these retro products are not just the generation that grew up with them, rather the current and newer generation of kids, teens and young adults. There’s a cross-generational buzz and curiosity that’s rooted in a product whose DNA is intrinsically retro.
Popular culture is reigning in retro – from Turntables and Vinyl, Polaroid Cameras, Photo booths and more. Mix present relevancies with a product evocative of the past and you have yourself a retro product that’s a hit. People love nostalgia.
In support of this retro trend, The Toy Association named ‘Oh So Classic’ to be one of the top 2017 toy trends. Some of the best toys came before the days of Wi-Fi and iPads and have stood the test of time. These classic toys have become icons of pop culture and popular trends throughout the years.
World’s Smallest by Super Impulse pays homage to these classic playthings by releasing a series of collectible miniatures in the image of good old fashioned toys.
These classic toys include tiny renderings of all-time-favorites such as the Polaroid Camera, Turntable, Magic 8 Ball; the classic 1969 Etch A Sketch, Perplexus, Rubik’s cube, Sock Monkey and much more. The entire World’s Smallest line is working miniature versions of the original toys. Barbie’s limbs are fully articulate, and the 1970s Rubik’s cube replica is functional, which makes for the perfect pocket-sized buddy or desktop companion.
“They’re too cool to resist!” said founder of Super Impulse, Alan Dorfman.
Seventy-five percent of the toys available in the World’s Smallest line can be found on Time Magazine’s list of the “All-Time 100 Greatest Toys.” Super Impulse started the process in 2014, with the first World’s Smallest and World’s Coolest products hitting the shelves in early 2015. To date, there are thirty-three products in the World’s Smallest series with nine being added in 2017 including the classic 1959 Barbie in her black and white swimsuit, Pound Puppies, Gumby & Pokey, Hot Wheels and more.
Having The Toy Association recognize retro as being among the “Top Toy Trends of 2017” is an honor for the company that has always worked in the retro toy space. The company also has many licenses pending, to be revealed during the Toy Previews this fall. “Super Impulse is in the trend business – in toys, you have to constantly reinvent your product line,” said Alan Dorfman.
There are more exciting and classic extensions of the miniature lines that will be available. In a few weeks Super Impulse will be shipping the World’s Smallest Tiny Arcade which are working, full color, full sound, true reproductions of the best Video Arcades games including Pac-Man, Space Invaders and others. The line of retro toys continues with Wiz-z-z-er too, the 1970s spinning top that has been revived with a fresh and bright look. “When I was a kid, it was the hot toy – every kid in the neighbor had one – and we even had spinning contests and battles. Kids deserve a toy this great!” said Alan Dorfman.
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To learn more about “World’s Smallest” and Super Impulse, visit their official website, Facebook and Twitter. To see a video of Wiz-z-z-er in action, see here.